But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility... Eph. 2:13-14

Friday, August 26


When you claim to be a genius you nullify the statement, whether it was true originally or not.

Thursday, August 25


Life is good, be happy!

I like to stand out in the rain and get soaking wet, and I've never gotten sick from it. Enjoy life. You've only got one to live.

Wednesday, August 24


Change is a good thing, don't hide from it.

My day:
I woke up.
I ate.
I worked.
I got on the computer.
I typed.

Wow, I've accomplished a lot. Happy!
Isn't this a cute frog?

Tuesday, August 23


When you are sick, just think of how much more ill you could be, and cheer up! Remember that thousands of people die every day, and you really shouldn't complain. At least your alive and well enough to be reading this! I mean, you could have cancer that was raging out of control and on your death bed. Or you could have a burst appendix that had reached lethal levels. Or you could have been poisoned, or shot or....

Sunday, August 21