I start my college studies in September! Isn't it wonderful?! Sure, I'm no huge fan of hard work, and sure I was enjoying the respite, but it feels like such a waste of time not to be learning something new while everyone around me is - including my dad!
So, not to be outdone by my father and friends, I'm going to shoot for the almost ultimate goal: my bachelor's degree in English.
Why English? Because I love the language. Why a BA? Because my associate's wouldn't really be very helpful, I mean, maybe slightly, but I can't learn much more about English if I'm only doing advanced High School stuff. Yeah, I looked it up - it's incredibly boring. Gotta balance it out with more words!
So not only am I going to get my bachelor's degree, I also intend to graduate with everyone else that started school this year. So that means that when Dad and Nextdoorneighbor and Kim and anyone-else-that-I'm-forgetting-at-the-moment graduates, I'll graduate. Two years? Indeed.
It's called CollegePlus!, and so far it sounds awesome. I guess only time will tell, but the benefits are terrific. First of all, it costs much less than your typical college, and I have a personal coach who's going to guide me through everything. I'm going to learn all sort of neat-o stuff like speed reading and memory, which will make my studies much more productive, and through the process called Credit by Exam, I can test out of many classes by proving I know what the class teaches, thus saving a lot of time.
I'm very excited, as I'm sure you can tell. Sure, it'll be tough, but I love to do things just because they're extra-ordinary. Actually, two years sounds like a very long time, but I think it's the best I can do. Celebrate with me: Huzzah!