But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility... Eph. 2:13-14

Thursday, November 3

I ♥ Trees.

On Facebook this month it's popular to post something you're thankful for every day until Thanksgiving. Today, the 3rd of November, I am thankful for trees. So thankful, in fact, that rather than write a book of explanation on my status, I've decided to blog about it in what may turn out to be the most poorly-written post in the history of Droll Digression. Sorry.

Where to begin?

Well, to start, they don't sin. They do exactly what they were created to do, and never have an evil intention. Ever. They're always pointing to their creator. I mean, seriously, they grow pointing up! How crazy cool is that?
They symbolize death and rebirth with their changing leaves and new growth in the spring. Unless they're evergreens, in which case we can be reminded of Eternal Life.

If it fell, a tree could kill you. Crush you flat! You couldn't live without the carbon dioxide recycling that it does. You couldn't live without the ecosystem it's a part of.
They're older than us (created three days before us), and they're tougher than us. We eat their fruit, we live in houses made from them, we use furniture made from them. We imitate them in our art. We beautify our land with them.

Aside from the obvious sustainability factor of oxygen and food, think of where we'd be without the tree.


No fire, no tools, no weapons, few shelters. No ships, no discoveries, no cradles, no wagons, no Noah's Ark. Cursed is anyone who hangs on a... what? Christ's sacrifice on what?
Even the Ark of the Covenant was made of wood and covered with gold.

So, this great creation that lives to give, that does nothing but grow to the glory of God, wave it's branches in the wind to the glory of God, and die to the glory of God, it would seem that this creation is better than us. It produces, we consume. It provides food, shelter, shade and oxygen, we bring sin and blight into the world. It lives to serve, we live to be served.

And yet...

WE are made in the image of God. WE can think. WE can use the resources (like trees) that God has provided for us. WE have been given charge of this planet.
Christ died on a cross of wood for US!

Look at the trees, my friend. Be in awe of the God who has created something so magnificent. See the forest.
And then remember that God likes you even better than them, even though they've never sinned.
Let them remind you of your insignificance. Then remember that you are their legal guardian. You're more special than a tree! That in itself is a mind-blowing grace!

But more than that, you have the opportunity to be adopted by the God of creation! A tree does no wrong, but it isn't righteous. It is corrupted by the disease of sin that we continually cultivate, and it can never clear itself of that corruption. Neither can we. But Christ didn't die for the trees to be saved. He died to save us, sin cultivators! He took our place, and so we can take His righteousness.

Think on that as you rake this Fall,
And worship the Creator of the trees!

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