But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility... Eph. 2:13-14

Thursday, July 13

Dracula, etcetera

I'm reading Dracula, well, actually, I'm listening to Dracula (not currently, but off and on). Iscool. I REALLY like it. It's so seldom that I get a really good book. Crime and Punishment is one of those. It's really weird, but so far (I haven't gotten that far) I feel kinda sorry for the vampire. He makes himself so likeable. It's also slightly humorous, as there are many things that I already know about vampires that the main character learns as the book progresses, such as the fact that he cannot see Count Dracula in a mirror. But I guess it's not that funny, mostly it's just a good story. Why am I writing a book review here? I have no clue.

So I guess I could tell you about audiobooksforfree.com. If you go there, don't click on the picture of the...um...I think it was some sort of gun at the top of the page. But besides that, it's a cool website. You can download audio books, either that you've bought, or you are getting for free. They're cheap to buy, but I'm cheaper, so I usually get the free books. You can hardly understand the reader, however. The more you pay, the better the recording sounds. So I've got The Three Musketeers, Dracula, 20000 Leagues Under the Sea, and, um, some book that I can't remember it's name at this moment and I don't really want to look it up (it's by Jerome K. Jerome, if that helps you). Dracula sounds the best. As a disclaimer, if you see anything you shouldn't on audiobooksforfree.com, it's not my fault.

While I'm talking about free stuff, I'm going to tell you about rollingrs. It told me to. It's this podcast I got that teaches you Spanish and it's a video, and, following the podcast tradition, it's free. The guy's likable and he really wants feedback (which I need to do - thanks for reminding me). So far, I've forgotten many things that I've learned. I could say "I'll pay the bill", but I forgot "the bill" in Spanish, so I've just got "Yo pagar...". I can say "Do you speak English", "I'm thirsty", and "I'm hungry", which are very useful phrases. So if I'm ever stranded in Mexico, I can ask them if they speak English, and if they don't, I can demand food and drink. Whether they will comply is an entirely different story. And if the water is black/brown/green, I can look up "Why is the water black/brown/green?" in my handy-dandy Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Travel. That thing's a life saver, I've got to tell you. Of course, I've never had to use any of the phrases in there (thank goodness) but you never know when I'm going to have to yell: "Alto, ladron!" (stop, thief!) or "Por favor, no me lastime" (please do not hurt me). The second one I'm trying very hard to remember, just in case. I'd learn the Japanese phrases, but I stink at Japanese, and I can't really read the transliterated words. Spanish is much easier. Oh yeah, they also have learning Japanese video podcasts, but I don't know how good they are. I just started Spanish.

Adios, amigos y enamigos!

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