Hello. Anything. As you can see from the title, I'm being forced to blog. Nextdoorneighbor, my adoring fan, is holding me hostage via phone until I update any and all blogs unfortunate enough to be owned and neglected by me.
I HAVE A MACBOOK!!! It's GREAT!!! I can do Wi-Fi and everything! It's very new for me, as all that I have EVER used is PC. Everything's turned around and backward, but it's SO COOL!!! And now I'm able to Wi-Fi from home, thus my typing right now.
AHA! I've figured out what the salesperson was talking about!!! Sorry. I don't really want to explain right now.
Okay, so Nextdoorneighbor (who needs a better name) told me to write something wonderful about my dog. He has black spots!!!
Now I am going to dedicate this next paragraph thing to renaming Nextdoorneighbor. Sue. No. Mimi. No. Gamergirl. No, that's almost as hard to type as Nextdoorneighbor. Okay, here we go again...Xiatha. Cool, but I would probably forget it. Maybe I'll name her Endie. She might get mad...no. She's cool with it...haha! She's given me a condition! I'm going to call her Endy. She doesn't want me to spell it with a "Y". ha Ha HA HA!!!
Apparently she's named some characters in her game after my sister and her cat.
Okay. So this is probably really boring to anyone but her, and this will just make Endy mad. So what shall I blog about?...
How about nothing!
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