But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility... Eph. 2:13-14

Wednesday, April 8

Hello, Lamppost! Whatcha knowin'?

First, I must get this exciting news out: 4 MORE DAYS UNTIL EASTER! Huzzah!

Ok, now that I've done that, I'll report on today's big news. I took my Humanities test and passed with flying colours, which I think is rather shameful, as I didn't study. I mean, I skimmed through the study guide, but I'd just studied everything in it, so I took a practice test and pretty much ignored it after that. But anyway, I passed with a higher score than any test thus far, and you know what that means...


While it's not supposed to officially start until Monday, since I have no more school work until then, it starts today! *Does a happy dance of glee*

Of course, the weekend is packed, and so is next week, but not having a test hanging over me like Damocles' sword is such a relief! *Does another happy dance*

Well, mother's made some frappuccinos (when you live in the middle of nowhere, you have to learn to make your own) so I must go consume one! Have a loverly evening!!!

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