But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility... Eph. 2:13-14

Thursday, February 2

Dandelion Martyrs

One Spring day
fights its way
into January

Eager, unable to wait,
plants begin to leap to life,
Singing their hymns prematurely

They know,
They have to know
that their song will be short lived.

They know,
They have to know
that they will die tomorrow.

And yet they sing
their song to the full extent
of their ability

Are they unwise,
Or is their song
too great to hold in?

Are they unwise,
Or is their death
worth the chance to sing?

Are they unwise,
Or is Truth too great
to hold in a Winter grave?

Are they unwise,
Or should I risk
all to sing in harmony?

Please excuse the weirdness. This is the reason I shouldn't take long bike rides by myself. There's too much time to think!

Note: I realize it's February now. It just didn't feel right in my mouth.


Ellie said...

that's really a good question. really now, what are they to do?

Sarita said...

I had two conflicting lessons to learn from the plants. The other idea was impatience. IF these plants survive, they'll be ugly and torn, and will have missed out on that great part of Spring where everything blooms in its season.

I decided to go with eagerness, though, because the bright green leaves I saw today looked so happy and God-glorifying. I couldn't help but wish I could throw myself into praise with such reckless abandon.

Ellie said...

I've awarded you over at my blog.