But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility... Eph. 2:13-14

Tuesday, March 31

I Just Can't Seem to Come Up with a Decent Title...

I suppose I don't really have time to be writing this, as I have a test coming up at a dizzying rate (two more hours), but I thought that maybe someone would read this before 1 and pray that I'd pass the test. It's English Literature, and after taking the practice test yesterday I feel much better about it, but that doesn't change the fact that I had a hard time concentrating on my studies these past two weeks. I've actually just been online clearing up a few things that I was absolutely clueless about on the practice test.

Before I go, I have to tell my readers about one of the most random things I've ever done - one that could cost me the test today. Last night I read To Kill a Mockingbird. Not finished it - read it. From cover-to-cover, beginning at 10:30 pm and ending at 3:30 am (to be accurate, in that time I stopped when we read our bibles, and I stopped to say goodnight to everyone, and I stopped to get a drink). It's a very good book. Atticus Finch is awesome. If I get married and have more than one son, I think I'll name one of them after him.
I guess it sounds pretty stupid to have done that. After all, Spring Break is only 12 days away, and then I could stay up until 4 without it affecting my study habits. I decided to go through with the idea for three reasons:
1. I love to do random things, and I wanted to be able to say that I'd read a book in all of that 'extra' time I was supposed to have received when I gave up Facebook.
2. I've wanted to read it for a while, and I couldn't have my sister beat me to it. She was considering reading it, and I don't like much to be beaten in reading contests by her. ;)
3. I knew that if I didn't finish it last night, I'd forget the everything I'd read and probably wouldn't pick it back up again for a year or two. I must agree with Edgar Allen Poe that a good piece of literature should be able to be read in one sitting. It does wonders for keeping up the illusion.

I think I might start reading books in one sitting more often. Although most books that I want to read aren't as easy or short as To Kill a Mockingbird. And it was rather strange to dream in HarperLee-speak...

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