But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility... Eph. 2:13-14

Monday, October 24


Hello, people who are reading this. I like to multi-task. 4-instance, I'm going back and forth between three websites right now, and if I can remember what it was...ok, I did...I'll be going between four. Actually, that's kinda lame. Oh well! Charlie and the Chocolate Factory comes out Nov. 8th! Yay! I'm currently buying the Soundtrack. It's cheaper! Yay! None of the pictures are working. Oh well. I'm going to go onto MRL to see about armbands now (Not Choclolate factory, that came out kinda wrong-they're celtic). Practikilt-it's not a skirt, it's an attitude. Ok, now I'm buying the CD. I hope. Boat Anchor is going really slow right now. Yay! It worked! Dad and Bandit are asleep. Bandit's laying on Dad. Yay, I can get armbands and an elven brooch! And maybe something else...maybe...maybe not. Well, definitly not the eating utensils, I think I'll just stick with the armbands and the brooch. Oh yeah! I can see if the Schindler's (spell?) List Soundtrack is cheap on Amazon! It is! I'll have to see if I have any money left after this. Yay! I can get it! And I'm Broke! Bye!

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