But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility... Eph. 2:13-14

Tuesday, October 4


Today was a good day. I went super fast. I got the llama song back and you can visit it. It's in my 'Links' section.
I drew a cool alien. I've never drawn an alien before. Its legs are weird, but it's arms and hands are cool. I like its outfit, except for maybe the middle. But I like the design.
House is off! Nooooo! For a whole month! Sad! I like House! Stupid sports. Last time a guy got his hand amputated because it died because he had some sort of disease from chickens because he cleaned up after illegal cock fights. I like House. I'll be glad when it starts, but I also still like October. It needs to get cooler, though. We still have the air on.
I need to write more. I've been writing, but I'm running out of candles and I can only write at night and I can't use a lamp, so I'm stuck. Oh yeah! I've got that huge round one. Happy! This is a picture of S. When she took her Prize-winning racoons to New Zealand: Face smudged out for privacy.

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