But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility... Eph. 2:13-14

Tuesday, January 3

I don't care too much for Money; Money can't buy me Love.

Well... I have no idea what to say. I've had several thousand post ideas slip through my mind throughout the holiday season, but no time to write them up. Or I couldn't get the ideas to complete themselves, and so to type them would've been a waste of my time and either an irritation or a headache-maker for you, since I guarantee whatever I wrote would've been incomprehensible.

And so here I am, January 3rd, 2012! I am extremely excited about this year. I have no idea what it may hold, but whatever it is, it's sure to be glorious. For one thing, I feel that I've left most of my insecurity in 2011. I still don't know what I'm going to do with my life, (or rather, what God is going to do with my life), yet not knowing isn't as scary as it used to be. But maybe that's just because I have a tiny bit of a plan. I guess we'll see!

At the moment, I'm waiting on the Lord in more ways than usual. Specifically, I'm waiting to see if He's going to provide the funds required for me to go on a short-term mission trip to south Texas. If the money comes in, it will be soon, and it will be a miracle. I need $125 by Friday (the estimated departure date). I have no job, everyone is poor from Christmas and such, and I haven't asked anyone for money, although I did pray about that for a while. Although, I suppose posting this *is* sort of asking for money.

Really, though, I'm just asking for your prayers. Pray that no matter what, God will be glorified in my attitude and manner of living. If it is His will that I go, the funds will come in, I will go, and my ultimate goal will be to glorify God by enjoying Him and living in such a way that that enjoyment and grace pours into the lives of all those around me. If it is not His will that I go, the funds will not come in, I will not go, and my ultimate goal will be to glorify God by enjoying Him and living in such a way that that enjoyment and grace pours into the lives of all those around me! There are plenty of ministering things that I can do here at home that week, but I would really, really like to go on this trip. Whatever my God ordains is right! At least this way I'll know for certain that I'm not stepping outside His will by going or staying.

On the off-chance you would like to donate to the team, you should check out my friend Billy's blog. For one thing, it's way cooler than mine, what with him being a learning, world-traveling missions photographer. For another, he has an incredible gift for donators. I'm probably way down on the list of people needing funds, but whether it helps me or not, you should definitely support this trip. First, in prayer (it's free AND most effective!), and second, if you feel so inclined/led, with money or donations.

I don't know what the internet situation will be like down there, but if I go, I promise to do my best to keep ye updated, as a thank-you for your prayers.


*Taken from "Can't Buy Me Love" by John Lennon & Paul McCartney. Used without permission, but with the utmost respect.

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